Friday, October 16, 2009

34 weeks 4 days.

I can't believe how fast a year goes buy. I remeber Oct. 15 2008 like it was yesterday. It was just a few weeks before that I had learned what Oct. 15 and Rememberane day was. It was the day that I truly realized that I was not alone. The women that I met on babycenter in the second trimester loss board helped me get through some of the tough days, but i didn't realize how many women there were out in the world that have suffered a loss. Oct. 15, 2008 I lit my canle at 7pm and cried the night away. This year, Oct. 15 was a little different. I am 34 weeks pregnant and I had an OB appointent at 6:30pm. We waited almost an hour to see the OB. By the time we got out of there we were starvng and went for chinese food. Needless to say I never go the chance to light my candle at 7pm, but I will be lighing it all weekend. The whole day was bitter sweet. I thought about the baby I lost while feeling the baby inside me kick and squirm. I don't get sad any more. I find it hard to be sad when I have so much to greatful for. My OB appointment went well. The baby is measuring a week a head. Dr. said this is a perfect pregnancy. I didn't gain any more weight, blood pressure and urine are perfect. I feel great, sleep well, and are still very comfortable. My husband is amazing, my parents and sister are excited, my friends and coworkers have been extrememly supportive, the women on the ttc after a second trimester loss board are amazing..... Life right now almost seems perfect. I just hope it lasts!
So anyway. Last year we went to the feast of St. Gerard the weekend of Oct. 15th. the feast was wonderful. There were many Italian women, pregnant or trying to conceive all praying for their rainbow baby. It was very sad to see but at the same time I felt a sense of belonging and joy. I knew that if I prayed to St. Gerard long and hard enought that he would make sure that this baby makes it. I truly bleive he is the reason why I have made it to 34 weeks. I can not wait to go to the feast tomorrow and pay my respects. I will be there rain or shine. I plan to donate a large sum of money to St, Lucys church in Newark, NJ. I also plan to light candles for all the women I know who are trying to have their rainbow babies and for the women on babycenter who I have come to love. I am also secretly looking forward to eating an Italian hotdog...yummy!!!

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